Recess Ops Totally Brags About Shit

We hate bragging about how rad the records we have are, but when other people say nice things, we don't mind repeating them. Vice said this about Saccharine Trust: "They came up in San Pedro during the early 1980s alongside bands like Minutemen and Black Flag, recording on Greg Ginn's seminal SST punk label, and ended up producing some of the most innovative and biting records of their time.

While most LA punk bands were jumping around and whining about Reagan, Saccharine Trust were digging deeper, both musically and lyrically. Their debut record, Paganicons, captured what it meant to be a dejected self-conscious guy stumbling through the modern world." And was named by Kurt Cobain as one of his top 50 favorite records. Wilco's Nels Cline (who has collaborated with Saccharine Trust's Joe Baiza) regarded "The Great One is Dead" as yet more ambitious and enduring. Coming this Summer from Recess and Water Under the Bridge.